Now that the valve train is together we are ready for a dry run. First I need to drain the oil.
Head is back on
Painting rusty stuff (part 1 of MANY)
I am in a bit of down time waiting on parts so I decided to go ahead and clean up some rusty metal. With the radiator out of the way it seemed a good time to tackle stuff on the front of the engine. The engine fan and water pump pulley were easy to remove. Continue reading “Painting rusty stuff (part 1 of MANY)”
Started on the brakes
Well the head is still at the machine shop and the radiator is off being re-cored so I decided to see where I am with the brakes. This picture is of the driver’s side front wheel and hub. That locking hub will have to go first.
More cleanup
Still cleaning parts. After my wire brush marathon it looks a lot better.
Cleaning up stuff
I am taking the head to the machine shop tomorrow and my gasket set and pushrod are not in yet so I decided to spend some time cleaning up parts.
Stuck valve is out…
The valve looks so innocent sitting there. But it took a bit of work to get there. Continue reading “Stuck valve is out…”
Digging into the top end
I need to figure out what is going on with the #3 intake valve. It is obvious something is wrong. First step is to remove the rocker arms Continue reading “Digging into the top end”
Chasing the miss
I am a lying liar who lies. Back in this post I said that the #3 cylinder had compression. But before tearing into the engine I decided to do a compression check on all the cylinders
Axel ID
I did a quick recon on the axles to see if I could ID them. From the shape I think they are Dana 30 axles. The front axle has some numbers stamped on it but they are badly rusted. The back is a little better. I found this stamped on the axle tube:
I have no idea what that means. I will have to research this and see. I kinda was hoping for a part number but that does match up.